5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (2024)

Natural stove cleaner recipes offer a simple way to keep your kitchen clean and your stove in top condition.

Here’s how to quickly and effectively clean your stove using natural ingredients:

  • Start with hot water to tackle minor spills.
  • Use a blend of dish soap and hot water for tougher grease.
  • Apply baking soda for stubborn, baked-on stains.
  • Combine lemon juice and baking soda for a potent, stain-fighting paste.
  • Mix white vinegar and essential oil for an all-purpose cleaning solution.

Boiling water can be poured onto everyday spills and then wiped with a microfiber cloth after scrubbing with a sponge. This method is safe for all stove types and is very quick and effective for fresh spills.

To address grease, mix a teaspoon of liquid dish soap with two cups of hot water. Soak a sponge in this solution, scrub the stovetop, and then wipe clean with a cloth. This is a fast and affordable way to clean without scratching the surface.

For dried or cooked-on food, use half a cup of baking soda sprinkled on the affected area. Spray with a half cup of warm water, wait an hour, then scrub off with a sponge. Baking soda is highly effective and economical for heavy-duty cleaning.

If dealing with stubborn stains, combine two cups of lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda in a spray bottle. After applying and scrubbing with a sponge, tough spots might require a razor blade. This is a natural method that’s both quick and inexpensive.

For a catch-all solution, mix two cups of white vinegar with 15 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray on the stains, let sit, and scrub away with a sponge. This inexpensive cleaner is gentle yet powerful and can make your stove sparkle.

Remember, these methods are not only easy to apply but also use ingredients that are often already available in your home, making them convenient and cost-efficient.

5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (1)

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When our stoves are clean and working, they’re essential tools for modern living. Stove tops get full of dirt, grime, and grease in a hurry, though, and they can spread disease and make your home look shabby. Fortunately, there are lots of natural stove cleaner recipes you can use to bring your stove back from the dead. Audrey Dunbar, a seasoned authority on home organization, advises, “I always recommend natural cleaners to keep your stove top safe and sparkling without harsh chemicals.”

A reliable homemade stove cleaner will ensure that your meals are healthy and your kitchen stays looking beautiful. This guide looks at the top home remedies for cleaning a stove.

In this article, we help you find the perfect cleaning recipe for your needs. You’ll discover low-impact methods that you can use every day to maintain your stovetop, and we also include a few heavy-duty cleaning formulas so that you won’t ever wind up without a working cleaner.

5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (2)



Table Of Contents

  1. Natural Stove Cleaning – My Low-Impact Cleaners
    • Cleaning My Stove with Hot Water
    • Knocking Out My Stains with Liquid Dish Soap
  2. My Home Remedies for Cleaning a Stove
  3. Homemade Stove Cleaner – My Heavy Duty Recipes
    • I Use Baking Soda on Tough Stains
    • I Knock Out My Stains with Lemon Juice and Baking Soda
    • I Take Care of My Dirty Stove with Vinegar and Essential Oil
    • My Recipe for a Natural Stove Cleaner

Natural Stove Cleaning – My Low-Impact Cleaners

If you’re a typical homemaker, your stove sees lots of use every day and has plenty of exposure to grease and other contaminants. To that end, you need a few recipes for cleaning products that you can use daily to keep stove top clean without harming your stove or family. It’s essential to have a gentle cleaning recipe up your sleeve if you want to keep your oven clean.

This section contains stove cleaner recipes that are mild enough to use every day if needed. You can clean your stove with one of these natural home cleaner formulas and not have to worry about scratching the cooktop. Give these recipes a try when you have a new spill or stain that you need to clean.

Cleaning My Stove with Hot Water

Hot water doesn’t seem like it has much in the way of cleaning power, but you can use it to knock out all sorts of stains without trouble. Clean your stove with hot water after every use to keep it looking spotless and clean all year long. You’ll be able to get your stove clean without worrying about damaging it.

Don the gloves and dip a sponge into boiling water. Apply the sponge to the stovetop, and scrub until any spills or stains lift away. Continue until the stove is clean, then dry with a clean cloth.

Knocking Out My Stains with Liquid Dish Soap

The same cleaning action that allows dish soap to cut through grease and oil on your plates like it isn’t there makes it the perfect DIY glass stove top cleaner for your stove. Use a dish soap cleaner to tackle simple stains on your cooktop that hot water can’t clean away. It’s ideal for tough but fresh grease spots.


Liquid Dish Soap Stove Cleaner

  • 1 tsp liquid dish soap
  • Gloves
  • 2 cups hot water
  • Sponge
  • Microfiber cloth


Combine the hot water and dish soap in a bowl, and put on the gloves. Soak the sponge in the soapy water, and scrub at the stovetop to remove stains. Wring out the sponge when it gets dirty and continue until the stove is clean. Wipe the stove with a clean cloth.

My Home Remedies for Cleaning a Stove

Daily cleaners can take you part of the way, but they can’t deal with the more baked-on and dried spills and stains that stoves can accumulate. To clean the tough messes that foil your daily cleaners, you need to make your own stove cleaner at home that can cut through any spill you send its direction.

Homemade Stove Cleaner – My Heavy Duty Recipes

This section provides DIY recipes that can take on the worst stains on your stove. You can use these cleaning formulas on glass top stoves and gas stove tops, and they’ll emerge victorious against any dried or cooked-on food. They’re what you need to deal with removing cloudiness from a glass top stove and stubborn stains on the stove.

I Use Baking Soda on Tough Stains

Baking soda is just the sort of homemade stove cleaner you want to use on tricky spills. The powder soaks up all manner of oil and grease, and baking soda’s natural odor-fighting properties make it in hot demand as a natural stove cleaner.

Baking soda is an all-purpose cleaner and is also a fantastic natural way to clean oven racks. Try it out on an electric stove for impressive results.


My Baking Soda Oven Cleaner

  • ½ cup baking soda
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • Spray bottle


Sprinkle baking soda on any tough stains on the stove. Fill a clean spray bottle with the water, and spray the baking soda to form a paste. Wait for an hour, and then use a sponge to clean away the dried paste. Wipe up any lingering gunk.

Use baking soda for cleaning stove burners, too. Be sure that you completely wipe away all residue so that you don’t get a burning smell when you turn them back on after cleaning.

I Knock Out My Stains with Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Lemon juice is one of several ideal natural cleaners for your stove because of its acidic nature. Lemon juice eats away at the organic matter and isn’t afraid of any stains or spills it might encounter.

When you combine lemon juice with the cleaning power of baking soda, you get one of several top-notch home remedies for cleaning a stove. It’s perfect for stainless steel. Lemon juice is also a dynamite oven cleaner and is fantastic at cleaning oven glass.


My Lemon Juice Stove Cleaner

  • 2 cups lemon juice
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Microfiber cloth or paper towels
  • A razor blade


Fill a clean spray bottle with lemon juice, and add the baking soda. Slip on the gloves, and spritz the stovetop down. Scrub with a sponge to clean away any lingering stains.

If you encounter a baked-on stain that you can’t clean away, soak it in the lemon juice solution for at least ten minutes. Then, carefully use a razor blade as a scraper to get under the stain and lift it off the stove top without resorting to harsh chemicals.

I Take Care of My Dirty Stove with Vinegar and Essential Oil

Vinegar, like lemon juice, is acidic and a natural stove top cleaner. Use vinegar to clean up even the most difficult spills and build up without fear that you might damage the painted or glass stovetop.

When combined with essential oil and a little elbow grease, this cleaner full of natural ingredients can handle any dirty stove it encounters, including self-cleaning stoves.


My Vinegar Stove Cleaner

  • 2 cups white vinegar
  • 15 drops peppermint essential oil
  • Spray bottle
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Clean microfiber cloth


Combine liquid ingredients in a clean spray bottle and don the gloves. Spray any spills or stains on the stove top or use this baking soda free natural oven cleaner recipe on the inside to eliminate baked-on grime.

Wait for 15 minutes, and then use a sponge as a scrubber. Repeat until the stains lift away, and the stove is clean. Wipe down the stove with a clean, damp cloth.

If your stove grates have a lot of greasy residue or gunk, remove them and clean stove grates by letting them soak in the sink with some vinegar and hot water. After soaking, use a sponge to wipe away the stains and rinse. Wipe dry and replace on the stove.

We hope you had a lovely experience investigating our natural stove cleaner recipes. Our stoves get daily use in our homes and need regular cleaning to continue to do their best work. This guide gives you home remedies for cleaning a stove and helps you find the right recipe for your cleaning needs.

My Recipe for a Natural Stove Cleaner

5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (3)

Natural Stove Cleaner

Yield: 4 ounces

Prep Time: 2 hours 2 seconds

Total Time: 2 hours 2 seconds

Difficulty: Easy

All you need is baking soda and water!


  • 4 ounces baking soda
  • 4 ounces water


  • 8-ounce sprayer
  • Measuring cup
  • Gloves
  • Sponge


  1. Shake the baking soda onto the stovetop.
  2. Add the water to the spray bottle.
  3. Liberally sprinkle the water on the baking soda.
  4. Let the water and baking soda paste sit for 60 minutes or more.
  5. Don the gloves.
  6. Use the damp sponge to wipe away the cleaner and grime.
  7. Rinse the sponge often.


Ensure that you clean away all residue before using the stove again.

5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (4)

Thanks for reading our homemade stove cleaner guide. If you found our natural stove cleaner recipes to be of use, please share these stove cleaning tips with your family and friends on Pinterest and Facebook.

5 Fantastic DIY Stove Cleaner Recipes (2024)
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