Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (2024)

Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (1)

Artwork by Rohan Hande

You want things to manifest as per your timeline, Libra. You want your share of blessings to be delivered to you at the earliest. But, the Universe is *not* obliged to work in accordance with your schedule. Understand that the divine plan is perfect and without a flaw. Contrary to what you believe, things are in fact working out in your favor. The full moon in your sign is encouraging you to find your freedom by letting go of your attachment to a specific outcome. Sagittarius, for you, this lunation is bringing an abundance of blessings + the reminder that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. At the same, you will be shown things and people and situations that have served their purpose in the story of your life. Let go of what is no longer in alignment with ease. Gemini, if there’s anything your journey here on earth has taught you, it’s that the less you care about other people’s opinions, the happier you will be. Aries season sees you dropping it all: the burden of unrealistic expectations along with the dated script.

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (2)

You’re putting yourself out there, you’re taking your chances, and you’re doing the kind of things that once scared the living daylights out of you. Yet, you’re not seeing the desired results, which is adding to the sense of frustration you’ve been feeling for a while. Aries, do yourself a favor and drop the expectations. Surrender to the flow and allow things to manifest as per the divine timeline. By letting go of your attachment to a specific outcome, you will find true freedom.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (3)

Here’s something to remember when you’re experiencing the dark night of the soul: the Universe isn’t punishing you. It’s simply preparing you for what you have asked for. Understand that endings are just beginnings in disguise. Understand that dissolution is a part of the creation process. Let go of your false sense of attachment and loosen the grip where you need to. Trust that you will look back at this period in your life as a time of immense transformation.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (4)

If there’s anything your journey here in the earthly realm has taught you, it’s that the less you care about other people’s opinions, the happier you will be. So, you’re dropping it all this month: the burden of unrealistic expectations along with the dated script. You know in your heart of hearts that you are where you are supposed to be, and the story of your life is unfolding exactly as it should. Some of you may even feel inspired to set off on a solo adventure this month. Whether you’re yearning for the mountain breeze or dreaming about the sand and the sea, the answer is *yes*, Gemini. On a side note, the week ahead is also providing you with the wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your fellow unicorns. PS: Set a virtual date with your bestie who lives halfway across the world!


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (5)

Healing is an entirely mysterious process. Some days you feel like you’ve felt everything there is to feel. And then, there are days when the pain resurfaces, reminding you there is some more work to be done. Don’t reject anything your subconscious is showing you, Cancer. More importantly, don’t rely on work as a means to escape the discomfort within. This is your reminder to step into the role of the witness. To hold space for your inner child in all the ways that you feel called to. PS: Working with a healer or therapist is highly recommended at this time.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (6)

There’s good news for Leos who feel like their relationship has been on the rocks for a while now. The full moon in Libra this week is bringing with itself the medicine of hope and the medicine of healing. Don’t be afraid to make yourself vulnerable, beautiful. Don’t be afraid to give them a glimpse of what’s taking place in the internal landscape even though it all feels raw and messy at the moment. Showing up as your most authentic self will only strengthen your connection, beautiful. Single lions/lionesses, spring is a wonderful time to deepen your connection with yourself; a time to understand what it means to find inner union. PS: You are exactly where you are supposed to be.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (7)

The full moon in Libra is bringing the gift of romance with it. You and your beloved are more in love than you’ve been in a long time. Some of you could even be thinking about renewing your vows. If you’re in the early stages of your relationship, be in the moment and allow this sacred connection to unfold as it must. Burdening it with unrealistic expectations will only lead to disappointment, Virgo. As such, you’ll find that balance and harmony are important themes for you this month. That you’re able to make time for both your professional pursuits and your personal passions. As long as you’re creating for the joy of creating (and nothing else!), you’ll continue to flow in the river of contentment, beautiful.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (8)

We get it, Libra. You want things to manifest as per your timeline. You want your share of blessings to be delivered to you at the earliest. But, the Universe is *not* obliged to work in accordance with your schedule. Understand that the divine plan is perfect and without a flaw. Contrary to what you believe, things are in fact working out in your favor. The less attached you are to a specific outcome, the easier it will be for you to become one with the rhythm and flow of the cosmos. On a side note, if you have travel plans this month, make the required arrangements beforehand to avoid last minute confusion.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (9)

But, what is the *intention* behind your actions? Are you creating for the joy of creating or as a way to receive external validation? Return to your centre, Scorpio. Remember your divine connection with Source as you jump back into the stream of creative consciousness. This simple meditation will enhance the quality of your work manifold. As such, the full moon in Libra is bringing the gift of love, romance and desire with it. But, is this what you’re about to experience merely a spring fling or the adventure of a lifetime? Only time will tell. The best thing you can do for yourself and the other is allow the connection to unfold as it must as you leave unrealistic expectations out of the equation.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (10)

This is a beautiful time in Sagittarius sanctuary. A time of joy, a time of beauty, a time of receiving an abundance of blessings. Savor the sweetness that is being poured into your chalice as you offer a prayer of thankfulness to the mysterious forces above and below. As such, the full moon in Libra is bringing with itself the reminder that you owe it to yourself to follow your bliss. If you feel like you’ve outgrown something or someone, so be it. Give yourself the permission to step into who you were always meant to be as you let go of what no longer feels in alignment.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (11)

Capricorn, you’re having the *best* time this week! You’re in alignment with your sacred purpose, you’re following your bliss and you’re bringing more joy and beauty into the physical realm. You’re recognizing that the world is simply a mirror. That being at peace with yourself is the secret to experiencing peace and tranquillity in the outer world. As such, this is also a time of manifestation and wish fulfillment. A time of calling in your divine counterpart *and* diving deeper into the portal of intimacy, if you so desire.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (12)

We get it, Aquarius. You pride yourself on being rule-breaker and the changemaker. But, what if you decided to *follow* the rules this once? Remember, it’s not about adhering to a script that feels inauthentic to you. It’s about letting go of the need to rebel for the sake of rebelling and recognizing the beauty and grace in the path that has been laid out by those who’ve come here before you. As such, this is also a wonderful time to go back to your books, train under a mentor you look up to or sign up for a course that challenges you to level up. On the other hand, if you feel called to share your wisdom with the world, now is the time to put a course together.


Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (13)

It’s a good vibes only kind of week in the Pisces HQ! You’re fulfilling your sacred purpose, redefining the rules of the game and inspiring others to step into the most embodied version of themselves. ‘Fear’ is a word that’s no longer a part of your vocabulary. As such, this is also a time of financial gains. A time of receiving rewards for all the hard work you have put in over the years. If starting a business of your own (or expanding an existing one) is something that’s been on your mind, trust that you will find the right investor soon. PS: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, beautiful.

Your Weekly Horoscope: April 3, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (2024)


What age will Aries find love? ›

Aries. The fireball of the zodiac sign, Aries, will come across their soulmate when discovering what they want in life, figuring themselves out, and developing their maturity. These natives will most likely find their soulmate in their early 20s, especially around the age of 25.

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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It will be good year to those who are looking forward to get married to their beloved as the year 2023 will be auspicious for the love life of Aries.

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General Daily Insight for April 03, 2024

We're letting our pensive sides take hold. The whimsical energy is off to a strong start when the intuitive Moon blends with creative Neptune, heightening our sensitivity and ability to connect.

Who is an Aries most likely to fall in love with? ›

As a fire sign, Aries is generally most compatible with fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius since they tend to have a few personality traits in common. But they often also fare well with air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; after all, air is what fans the flames of fire.

Who is a Aries most likely to marry? ›

According to astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo, people with Aries as their Sun sign will likely get along easily with fire and air signs, including Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. “But in my experience, easy doesn't create enough tension for there to be sustained passion and engagement,” she said.

What is Aries' weakness? ›

Weaknesses of Aries. Aries are very impatient and cannot wait for longer to let things happen and this way they miss out on opportunities. Aries are very moody and ends up driving good things away. Aries takes wrong decisions by being very impulsive. Aries gets very aggressive and this makes them look emotionally weak.

Who is Aries' soulmate? ›

Fire signs Leo and Sagittarius top the list as Aries' most compatible soulmates. Adventurous Aquarius and passionate Scorpio are other great matches for Aries. Libra is also highly compatible with Aries.

Are April Aries loyal? ›

Aries command your total attention, loyalty and capacity to entertain them… They get bored REAL fast. Aries have a very warm and passionate nature. Their Mars ruler makes them competitive and full-on too.

What year will Aries find true love? ›

For committed Aries, 2024 will be a year for deepening their emotional bonds and strengthening the foundation of their relationships.

What age will Aries have a baby? ›

Aries are fun, passionate and adventurous people. Your free-spiritedness is what makes you take spontaneous decisions in life. That said, while it'll be unplanned, you'll have your first baby at the age of 21.

How fast do Aries fall in love? ›

This headstrong nature of Aries makes them fall in love quickly once someone attracts their attention and the same trait is likely to make them fall out of love too.

What is the love life prediction for Aries? ›

Aries Love Horoscope: The emotional aspect will be strong. You'll improve relationships. You'll benefit from meetings and conversations. You'll respect the feelings of loved ones.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.